By Train

Public transport

There is no station in Proschim itself. The nearest train station in Neupetershain (about 10 km) – check here for train times. From there you can either take bus 886 to Proschim or cycle.

Midweek bus 886 towards Spremberg runs quite frequently, on weekends and holidays only four times a day. You’ll find the timetable on this website, ienter Neupetershain as start location and Proschim Center as the destination. As your destination fill in “Welzow Karsfeld” on the Deutsche Bahn website. You will see the bus connection automatically. The closest station to the camp  is called „Welzow, OT Proschim, Karlsfeld“,  the second stop after „Proschim Ortsmitte!


We will shuttle every train that is arriving at another time than ordinary public tarnsport hours for the local bus. Letus know in advance via Or just call the Info-phone: 0049(0)1577 56 59 965