Get involved

organise infoevents and action-trainigs

You want to organise an infoevent? No Problem, there is a Presentation with films, you can use to make Ende Gelände more popular in your area. Or you ask at to invite a spokesperson to come to your place and present Ende Gelände in your city. has created a document helping you to organise such an event.

To be well prepared for the action, we offer actiontrainings as well. ask at to organise a training at your place. There will be more actiontrainings on the camp.

All scheduled infoevents and trainigs you find at dates.

Next Meetings

You want to get involved in Ende Gelände preparations – come to the next meeting:

  • 22./23. April, Hannover

More infos about the meetings are published early enough in the news.

Order flyers, posters and other materials




Flyers and posters in German and English are now available! Email to get materials for your town, city or local group.